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Journey with us - together we are a catalyst of hope and witnesses to the gospel message alive in our midst.
Our Mission
The Mission of the InterCongregational Collaborative Novitiate (ICCN) is to provide a quality novitiate experience with peers for novices from multiple congregations.
The program will facilitate ongoing discernment in a holistic and mentoring environment that fosters relational, spiritual, intellectual, and intercultural growth and development; nurtures individual charisms and the charism of religious life; and prepares novices to live vowed apostolic religious life.
ICCN Mission
Ministry Opportunity: ICCN Co-Director
Priority will be given to those who apply by April 1, 2025. Applicants will be considered
on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Learn more
Updates and Inspirations
Explore the latest updates from the novices about their experience and deepening the many facets of their call.
Updates | Inspirations
I am counting on you “to wake up the world." Pope Francis (2014)
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